

Looking to buy? Get your Buyer Listing up and running asap to unlock more opportunities for your new home. Vist our "find and agent" page to get connected with one of our local Buyer LIsting experts!

Looking to sell? Search for home buyers with buyer listings that match your home. Finding a buyer for your home has never been easier!



Buyers, once your Buyer Listing is up and running you can sit back, relax and let our system and local Buyer LIsting experts go to work for you to find the very best fit of a home.

Sellers, once you find a potential buyer match, simply register for an account, submit your property details and keep your eyes peeled for a reply!



Utilize our local affiliates to connect with any additional services you may need to ensure a smooth closing


Getting Started

Learn about My Buyer Listing and how to create an account.


This site takes a revolutionary approach to helping you achieve your Real Estate goals powered by the latest technology and local experts offering a unique service. We are here to help you win in your Real Estate transaction and hope you enjoy this powerful tool that has been missing from the industry for years. If you have any questions about getting started or how the process works please send us an email using the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page.

Creating an account

You are free to browse our site and all the active buyer listings. As a seller creating an account will enable you not only to browse but to receive alerts when buyers create a new profile or change and existing one. As a buyer, visit our "find an agent" page to connect with a local marketing expert that can get your buyer listing maximum exposure and expand your home search


It is quick and simple to register. Simply click the Register tab at the top of the page, fill out our brief registration form and select whether you are a buyer or seller. If you are selling a home and buying a home you can create an account for each. Once you have registered our powerful system and team goes to work to find you a match!


You are welcome to browse our buyer profiles as a visitor. To receive alerts and notification of potential buyer matches for your home, simply click our register button to create your account.Entering your property information

Simply enter the criteria of the home you are looking to sell and the price range you are looking to sell in and you are up and running!!


To create your custom buyer listing profile, visit our "find an agent page" to connect with one of our local Buyer Listing experts. It’s a quick, simple process and won't cost you anything.

Once your buyer listing is created sellers will be able to submit potential matches!  Our experience with search is that you want to keep it broad to be sure you don’t rule out a potential match.

Real Estate Professionals

If you are a Real Estate Professional and would like more information on how MyBuyerListing.com can better help serve you and your clients please visit our Real Estate Professionals Page 


Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I find buyer requests?

To view the active buyer listings click on the buyer Listings tab at the top of the screen or input your search data into the search bar directly from our home page. The most convenient way, is to create a seller account through the register tab and receive alerts of all the buyer listings matching your criteria

Where do I find sellers?

Visit our "find an agent" page to connect with one of our local Buyer Listing specialists. Once they have created your buyer listing sellers will be able to submit potential matches and your agent can market your buyer listing to find additional opportunities based on your search criteria

Is My Buyer Listing free?

Yes! This site was created for you to offer the best solutions to accomplish your Real estate goals. It is absolutely free and our local affiliates are dedicated to creating more opportunity for you.

How do I know if I have a match?

If you are registered on our site with an account you will receive an email notification of the potential match or a call from your local representative.