We want a home with land.
We are looking for a home that is on at least 5 acres or more. We would like to have a shop on the property as well.
Rural CU home with room for shop or large garage
Home on the outskirts of Champaign or Urbana that has large garage or shop OR room to build on. Fixer upper is fine for the right price
We are looking for a home with a large yard or small acreage. A large open kitchen is a plus.
We are looking for a home in a great neighborhood, preferrably with a large, well maintained yard. A large kitchen is a must and would prefer to have anything except oak finished cabinets. If the home is older, we would prefer that it be updated.
Looking for investment properties
Looking for home
Looking for family home
Looking for home
Looking for home
Looking for home
Looking for home
Looking for home
Looking for home
Looking for home
Looking for home
Looking for home
Looking for home
Looking for home