3 Beds+

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Looking for a townhouse either in Mansfield, Irving, Desoto, Dallas. Would prefer low maint. 

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Ranch in Goshen or Prospect with Finished Basement

We are looking for a ranch in the Goshen or Prospect area. We need a minimum of 3 bedrooms, an additional room for a home office, 2 baths with a finished basement and a two-car garage or larger. We would prefer something with an open floor plan and an entertaining space.

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In order to contact a buyer about your property, you'll need to be logged in as a seller.

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In order to contact a buyer about your property, you'll need to be logged in as a seller.

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In order to contact a buyer about your property, you'll need to be logged in as a seller.

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Ranch in Goshen

Looking for a ranch with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, partial or completely finished basement, and a two-car garage. Prefer a home that is the North Oldham High, North Oldham Middle School, and Harmony school area. 


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Ranch in Glenmary or Glemary East

Looking for a ranch in either Glenmary or Glenmary estates. Need 3 bedrooms, two baths, and a basement. We would prefer the basement is not to be finished. Home does not need to be updated or has an open floor plan.

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In order to contact a buyer about your property, you'll need to be logged in as a seller.

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In order to contact a buyer about your property, you'll need to be logged in as a seller.

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Test Subject

We are looking for a ranch home close to a water. A fenced yard is preferable for my dog. I would prefer something updated with an open floor plan and entertaining space. I would like my taxes to be under $12,000/yr


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